Friday, July 15, 2005

Success From Failure

Another from Shantanu...

Success is achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.However, just because an endeavor was unsuccessful does not mean it iswithout value. The failed Columbia mission and the Vietnam War are twosuch examples.

The goal of the Columbia space shuttle mission was to launch safely into space, perform scientific experiments, and to land safely onearth. This is what the crew and the people at the Houston space center attempted. This mission was successful until re-entry, when the shuttle disintegrated without warning. The goal was not achieved; seven astronauts tragically lost their lives. This failure does not mean this tragedy was without value, importance and significance. It forced NASA to reexamine its contingencies. NASA was compelled to look carefully at its organization structure, independent contractors, and engineering practices. Congress demanded accountability, and was forced to re-examine its budget practices concerning space exploration. Surely,this is a valuable thing to come from a horrible failure.

The goal of the Vietnam War was to prevent Communism from taking holdin that country. Many at the time believed that if Vietnam became Communistic, so too would the rest of the region. When we left, the country fell to the Communist party. However, advancements in military training came out of the conflict. We learned the value of "specialforces" and developed new tactics to fight in environments where tanks were less efficient than air strikes. These lessons better prepared us for modern warfare. These important changes show the value that can come from failure.

It would be preferable if we did not have to pay such a high price to learn such lessons.
The Columbia space tragedy and the Vietnam War...both demonstrate how events perceived as failures can still have value.

1 comment:

Sourin Rao said...

Good essay and good topic, but me presonally, I would prefer to see some deeper thoughts of your own in these essays. Do some research about the war, about challenger etc. Provide some statistics and try and think of a viewpoint that is not so obvious, even if it may be controversial.

The point of an essay, sometimes is just to state some facts, some for contemplation and public awareness and some are just frivolous and light.

So I liked your choice of words, your points and thought process. But did I learn anything new, did it make me stop and think, did it blow me away ? No. Just like when you run a sprint, you put your best and run, the same way while writing the essay you should always think from the readers point of view. How to give them something new and interesting. How will you stand apart from the thousands of other students who write the same things ? So sometimes say things that are not popular or correct, if you feel that way and then defend your opinions with logical and analytical conviction.

Also there were small typos like "specialforces" and a few other words which were joined. I dont know if it was during pasting that these errors might have creeped in. Re-read your work several times and reflect upon it before you submit.

Dont think of it as just an assignment, think about it as art work on a blank canvas and that you are the painter.Endeavor to be a Picasso or Michaelangelo or better.

My request for you if you can for the next essay "Indian cultural values in a modern World". If you have the time.

Keep writing.Keep Reading