Friday, September 22, 2006

BPO, Cricket & MunnaBhai

Industry pundits have been urging companies to address the manpower crisis threatening the growth of the ITeS-BPO sector, which, according to Nasscom (National Association of Software and Service companies), is set to achieve its projected revenue target of $8.5 billion in 2006-07, up from $6.3 billion in 2005-06. Talking about what is going wrong in this segment, Lucas says that in her experience, there is a lack of team spirit in the Indian work environment. People are not willing to share their skills and knowledge with fellow workers. This could be because of the deep sense of insecurity and the highly competitive environment of schools and colleges.

DLF Cup - it's all over for 'Team India' - entire tournament's performance indicated an extremely not-so-interested attitude from our cricketing stalwarts. So, the horror story for India continues with the Cricket giants...Australia. Well, have we run out of options! Let's come up with CPO - Cricket Process Outsourcing.

The latest buzz word - do you know? No, its not War on Terror or Osama or the Spinach syndrome but our own MunnaBhai and Circuit. See how MSN and Munnabhai have joined hands together. Check out here.

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