Monday, August 08, 2005


I do remember listening aboout this term about 10-15 years back while I was in India. Infact, it created such a hype during that time, that all the builders, contractors, business tycoons, politicians and film stars were engulfed with this concept, science or whatever you might want to call it.

Vastushastra has created a new era of business proposition with the new constructions and the existing homes too. Moreover, Fengshui also came up gradually and joined hands with Vastushastra. Now, the question is...Do I believe in it? No, not earlier but I started once it starts working during your life span. Same can be said for Astrology, Numerology and various other sciences.

I have read some of this stuff and would like to share with my avid readers over here.

1 comment:

Sourin Rao said...

In my personal opinion, this is just a way where people make money off our insecurities. Just as how religious guys make money in the name of God. You know very well how I fell about that.